Home-sickness comes in many forms. Maybe you feel it, but not sure how to activate or maintain momentum. Maybe you need consultation or accountability, a body-double, coach, cheerleader, advocate, janitor, home-doula, designer, or project manager… Mya is all of these! Getting you to your home sanctuary is always the goal, whatever the level of support. Mya works with a range of budgets and clients… even modest investments can yield the breadcrumbs towards a more functional, satisfying experience of being and doing in your home.
2-4 hours, working together, on-site. Off-site hauling plan made & supported, as necessary / $75/hour
You have an inkling that you want to upgrade your home-experience, but not sure how best to start, or what’s even possible or feasible. You love your home, but it’s feeling bogged down, overwhelming, or impenetrable. You desire to have a home sanctuary space that feels good, supports your life, and isn’t a burden to maintain. You lead a dynamic life, and material things are getting in the way of rejuvenating fully inside your own home.
If you’re on a healing path, and home is central to your operating platform, we can make magic together✨ We dig deep into the closets and get to know those skeletons! Most practically, we’re in a work session together, cleaning out a closet, and talking about why it’s in the shape it’s in. Sometimes we are debriefing, over tea, because we need a break. This is us, doing the heavy lifting of the things that haven’t moved in decades, the things we’ve carted around, unopened, the things we hang onto and have forgotten why. The things you need to touch with your own hands, see with your own eyes before saying goodbye. All of this is extra baggage, in a time when we are being asked to Change Our Ways!
It’s sensory-overload to consider everything at once, but if we do a little bit at a time, we chip away and clear the river. 2-4 hours together, working on some area of the home/property, is a great way to clear out wasn’t isn’t relevant, make a plan to say goodbye to the precious things, make the space more functional, and begin to see what the next project steps are.
Oftentimes we can up-level a whole space in a single session, depending on the variables. Full basements/garages can sometimes take several, or many sessions, spaced out periodically (every week or two is great if you want to keep things moving, and are having a hard time keeping motivated to do the work on your own). Estate decommissions can take several months or longer. We schedule as needed.
A GOOD PLACE TO START: closets / spare rooms / kitchen pantry / basements / garages / storage sheds
More involved places to rehabilitate: studio work spaces / creative or tool storage / primary bedroom / large wardrobes without adequate storage / rooms with decades of backlogged, family storage (kids, inherited items, chucked it “away” and forgot about it)
Mya sometimes has higher-level and longer-term oversight with certain projects or clients. She has functioned as a household manager for clients who travel a great deal. She offers design consultation, brainstorming, and support getting the aesthetics & functionality of a space dialed in. She can act as the over-arching project manager for projects with moving parts and many contractors, essentially functioning as the homeowner’s representative.
Usually this is an hour, or a few at most, at a time. Checking contractors in, and then out at the end of the day. Going shopping for fixtures or appliances. Making sure things are happening as we’ve agreed upon, troubleshooting as unexpected issues come up, making sure we’ve got our eye on the big picture, advising to keep us out of the weeds and on-track with the goals we’ve established. Group design, team management, and timely/appropriate communication. Managing expectations and re-routing the plan as needed, without drama or delay.
90 minutes, on-site, with short report of action steps & take-aways / $200
Before you break ground or even hire the contractors, know what you’re getting yourself into! There are many different ways to do a project, to think about the budget, and make it reasonable/feasible. Housing today, whether you rent or own, isn’t cheap. Home improvement can still happen in a good way, if you allow for some thoughtful exploration, up front. We get into:
What you think the scope of the project wants to be, and what you are looking to accomplish
Preferred timelines and budget range - how fixed or flexible?
Previous experience with contractors/home-improvement projects
Explore and zero-in on wants & needs… and prioritize them
Assess resources and capacity to see what scope of project & timeline are feasible to make it happen
Determine action steps and follow-up support, if needed
A short, written notes summary of our time together will be shared, and can be the breadcrumbs for next steps, whether we continue to work together, or not.
Usually 4-6 hour days, dependent on the project needs. Usually invoice as time + materials. Mya’s rate varies depending on her role (worker, manager); helpers, hauling & fees are extra.
An area of the home/studio/small business isn’t working, wants to be something better/more satisfying and functional. The flow of things coming in and going out, isn’t dialed in, and the river is getting jammed! The backlog needs to be addressed, and better systems for managing the stuff needs to be developed. We’ve already discussed what needs/wants to happen, and you’ve got to get on with your life, and leave Mya and her team to take care of it. Some spaces can be adequately dealt with in one or a few sessions. Some spaces are more persistent with their needs, especially if there is a lot of backlog with material items. Often includes:
Righteous re-distribution and disposal/recycling of household items
Small home-improvement or handyman/m’aam projects
Scheduling & coordinating trusted sub-contractors to take care of a specific project (e.g. electrical, HVAC, plumbing, carpentry, paint, drywall, locksmith, appliance repair etc.)
Developing and installing more intuitive & functional organizing systems
Staging areas/tables installed in transitional areas
We usually pace things, session-by-session, and assess when it’s necessary/appropriate to wrap up. Each session always informs what’s next. We always make daily goals, and usually achieve or exceed them. If our efforts need to wrap up before our work is fully accomplished, we always do our very best to tie-up loose ends and secure the work we’ve already done (containing, covering, labeling etc.). For most clients, this work is episodic, happening periodically and in therapuetic spurts, or as finances or time allows.